Find the right plan for your family
- Online health monitoring with instant readings, reports and notifications
- Bring your own devices for taking Blood Pressure, Sugar, Oxygen, Weight and Temperature measurements
- All features available on easy to use mobile and web app
- Add family members to the same account for a collaborative health monitoring and care
- Share readings and history by text or WhatsApp with your family members or physicians
- Reminders and alerts for the family
- Everything in the base S.M.A.R.T. Health Monitoring plan
- 6 eldercare manager visits
- 3 physiotherapy or dietician tele-consultations:
- 1 diagnostic tests
- 24x7 emergency helpline
- Emergency wallet fund
Best value
- Everything in the base S.M.A.R.T. Eldercare plan
- Free Medical devices (BP Monitor, Glucometer, Thermometer, Pulse Oximeter and Weighing Scale)- US $150 value
- 12 physiotherapy or dietician tele-consultations
- 4 diagnostic tests
- 24 eldercare manager visits